What is an implant overdenture?
Dental implants are used to stabilize dentures and this has proven to be successful for many people. An implant-supported denture is a type of overdenture that is supported by and attached to implants.
A regular denture rests on the gums and is not supported by implants and improves the quality of life for patients. An implant-supported denture is used when a person doesn't have any teeth but has enough bone in the jaw to support implants. An implant-supported denture has special attachments that snap onto attachments on the implants.
Implant-supported dentures usually are made for the lower jaw because regular dentures tend to be less stable there.
You should remove an implant-supported denture daily to clean the denture and gum area. Just as with regular dentures, you should not sleep with the implant-supported dentures at night. Some people prefer to have a fixed (permanent) crown and bridgework in their mouths that can't be removed. Your dentist will consider your particular needs and preferences when suggesting fixed or removable options.
What are the Benefits of Denture Stabilization with Dental Implants?
Poor-fitting dentures are often held by adhesives where implant overdentures are anchored in the bone and allow patients to have better digestion due to proper chewing and allows for a better diet
Decreases bone loss by stimulating the bone in your jaw
Better ability to speak clearly
Increases comfort with less irritation of gum tissue
Ends the cost and inconvenience of denture adhesives
In some cases, can utilize your existing denture

Am I a Candidate for an Implant Overdenture?
The best way is to schedule an appointment for an exam and a 3D CT Scan (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) this will give the doctor the ability to produce three dimensional (3-D) images of your teeth, soft tissues, nerve pathways and bone in a single scan. This is standard of care and will assist in the treatment planning of your implant overdenture. From your initial exam and 3D CT Scan, the Dental Hearts team will give you the best options to improve your overall oral health and quality of life. The doctor will discuss the entire process and what to expect.
Bone Grafting
Bone grafting is a recommended option if you plan to replace an extracted tooth with an implant. After a dental extraction, the bone naturally begins to resorb (melt away). The resulting bone loss can limit your choices for replacing the missing tooth. Grafting at the time of extraction has the highest success with regards to preserving the bone. Grafting can also be completed after extraction, although it often is more difficult to achieve the desired results. After placement of a graft, we allow 3-6 months of healing. During this time, the grafted bone fuses with your existing bone to create an optimal foundation for an implant. Grafting is performed with either your own bone, a sterilized bone from another person/animal, or bone substitutes.